Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin
Dharma Heir of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Born in the United States, Ösel Tendzin was confirmed as the first-generation Westerner to hold the lineages of the Karma Kagyü and Nyingma schools of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. Alongside his teacher, Trungpa Rinpoche, the Vajra Regent taught extensively throughout North America and Europe, and together they founded Shambhala Training.​
Having had the good fortune to experience the Vajra Regent’s teachings—the expressions of his brilliant communication and powerful devotion—we aspire to extend the possibility to many, many others. There will be much to do, and you will be afforded many opportunities to help out with your time, energy, and expertise.
To volunteer, click HERE.
An online searchable collection of the Vajra Regent's teachings, including video, audio, digital transcripts, poetry, art, and life stories. Also available are recordings of recent Library courses and programs.
To access the Timeline, click HERE.

The Library is dedicated to the preservation and propagation of all the works of
Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin.
For free email newsletters and notices, click HERE.
We need your support! To see our
Projects and Needs for 2025,
please click HERE.
New Moon Sadhana of Mahamudra ​
Saturday, March 29, 2025,
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon MT
For the Zoom link, click HERE.​
Parinirvana of
Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Friday, April 4, 2025,
5:30-7:30 p.m. MT
A way to remember and acknowledge the
teachings of the incredible Vidyadhara.
For the Zoom link to attend, click HERE.
The Embodiment of Buddha Nature
Sunday, April 20, 2025
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon MT
A monthly course for sadhakas
based on the teachings of the Vajra Regent​​
To register, email us: Library@vrot.org
Memorable Moments with our Teachers
Saturday, May 10, 2025,
10:30-11:30 a.m. MT
A monthly zoom gathering to share stories of
‘teaching experiences' with the Vidyadhara,
the Vajra Regent, and other lineage teachers.
For the Zoom link to attend each session, click HERE.
All are invited to share or just to listen.
The sessions have been moving, inspiring, and humorous.
Mindfulness-Awareness meditation, the practice of being present with body, breath, and environment, is an essential key to connecting with the Buddhist teachings.
For personal meditation instruction,
please email us: click HERE.

Our end-of-year fundraising efforts made progress in addressing our budgeted needs for the year. Thanks to all who gave so generously. Please consider recurring monthly donations, however small, to help sustain our work.
The process has begun to complete the collection of the Library at the levels of video and audio recordings, digital transcripts and paper transcripts. Volunteers are needed in Boulder to inventory and sort the paper files in the archives. If you have old video or audio tapes, please let us know.
Plans are in the works for the completion of the Stupa containing the relics of the Vajra Regent at Drala Mountain Center.
A second edition of Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand, the first book by the Vajra Regent, is now available in paperback, eBook, and audio book formats from Amazon.com. Click HERE.
Editing work continues on The Unobstructed Way, the book title the Vajra Regent chose for the collection of his talks offering commentary on The Jewel Ornament of Liberation by Gampopa. Other collections of the Vajra Regent’s teachings are being planned for publication. If you can help with transcribing, proof-reading, and/or editing, please email Library@VROT.org

Most are available in print, eBook, and/or audio book formats on Amazon.com and Lulu.com.
For Vajrayana Students only: